Ecozeb (Mancozeb 45% WP)
Product Details:
State: | Powder |
Pack Size: | 500 gm |
Pack Type: | Pouch |
Target: | Blast, Brown & Black Rust, Late Blight, Black eye rot, Leaf spot, Leaf rot, Tikka, Rust, Downy Mildew, Anthracnose, Fruit rot, Ripe rot, Scab, Sigatoka, yellow disease (seed treatment) of crops and vegetables |
Dosage: | 2-2.5 kg./ hectare Spray in Required water. |
Favorable Crops:e | Paddy, Wheat, Potato, Sugarcane, Tomato, Cauliflower, Groundnut Grapes, Chillies, Apples, Banana, Ginger etc. |
Chemical Composition: | w/w |
Mancozeb (Based on 85% w/w a.i.) | 88.23% |
Inert Carrier (China Clay) | 5.77% |
Surface active agent (Alkyl aryl sulphonate) | 2.00% |
Dispersing Agent (Alkyl Naphthyl sulphonate) | 2.00% |
Suspending agent (Industrial Gum) | 2.00% |
Total | 100.00% |
इसका प्रयोग धान, गेहूं, आलू, गन्ना, टमाटर, फूलगोभी, मूंगफली, अंगूर, मिर्च, सेब, केला, अदरक, आदि फसलों में होता है।
रोग: सहसमारी, भूरा और काली गरुई, अगेती अंगमारी, पछेती अंगमारी, पर्ण चित्ती, वक्र, आँख विगलन, टिक्का, मृदुरोमिल आसिता, श्यामवर्ग, फल एवं फसल विगलन, पामा, सिगटोका, पीला रोग (बीज उपचार)।
प्रयोग मात्रा: इकोजेब एम 45 की 2-2.5 की०ग्रा० मात्रा प्रति हेक्टेयर आवश्यक पानी में घोलकर स्प्रे करना चहिए।
It is used to control Blast, Brown & Black Rust, Late Blight, Black eye rot, Leaf spot, Leaf rot, Tikka, Rust, Downy Mildew, Anthracnose, Fruit rot, Ripe rot, Scab, Sigatoka, yellow disease (seed treatment) of crops and vegetables like Paddy, Wheat, Potato, Sugarcane, Tomato, Cauliflower, Groundnut Grapes, Chillies, Apples, Banana, Ginger etc. Use it 2-2.5 kg./ hectare Spray in Required water .